This is the picture that I was going to use for an Internet Personals website, but then I remembered that you have to PAY to put your picture on the website, and at that point I decided to hold off on Internet Personals for another 5 years of my life.
Oh Come, all ye Faithful
Saturday, January 29, 2005
I was really happy to meet the African Klu Klux Klan at my little village in Senegal. I was feeling so alone, I really needed to reach out to someone and it was like a whole new day to be with my brethren out there, you know, in Africa
Wells in New York: Show Me The Money!
I stopped emailing everyone while I was in Africa because I was getting tired of talking about myself. Whether or not you all were tired of me was not my concern. Sometimes I need to stop expressing myself for a few weeks to see if, after a little time, I can be capable of saying something different or thinking new thoughts.
Some people have emailed me, two people I should say, about whether or not I would continue to write everyone emails now that I am living in New York City on the Upper West Side. This is my way of saying, yes, I will write everyone, but no more intrusive emails. You can read updates which I will promise to be posted twice a week: once before Sunday night and once before Thursday night. Any more than that is pure indulgence and will result in complaining about Supermarket lines, ridiculous customers at the Post Office who make everything complicated, the long unnecessary wait for utilities companies to come to your apartment, and so forth. If you care about those things, that's fine, but I don't, and if I can stop my fingers from typing them, I will.
Let me update everyone about the "little situation" we have here. While I was in France my mom asked a favor from a friend that I be given an internship in a large radio corporation called Clear Channel Communications. My Mom's friend's son is the head of Premiere Radio Networks, one of the many companies that Clear Channel has bought. I could work in New York City or LA. I chose New York City for reasons that I will only confess to you privately and only if I'm in a good mood.
Now I work a nine-to-six in Midtown Manhattan (right near Rockefeller Center) and things are going allright. I started this internship two weeks ago, but last week I had the golden opportunity to restart my job in a new building. A new building for me, that is, about five blocks north. This was a good change in some ways, and in other ways it didn't really matter at all.
This blog will allow me to answer questions to all of you at once. This is not so nice and personal, but these answers are not the ones I feel like repeating 15 times to 15 different cell phones. If you dare to call, we could talk about your life, which I assure you is just as exciting as mine. I think it is a popular illusion that life in New York City is a guaranteed bringer of excitement.
Do you know anyone in New York?
Well, there should be two people from KJHK, my college radio station, living in Brooklyn. But I have no idea where they are. And I know some of my father's friends. In fact, I stayed with two of them for the first week I was here.
Do you live alone? How much does it cost?
I live in a studio which costs 1250 a month, which doesn't include the Broker's fee I paid. It also doesn't include electricity.
Do you like it there [In New York]?
Yes and no. I'm already thinking of leaving. Why people love this city so much is a mystery to me. Then again, if I was hanging out with fashion moguls or real estate tycoons I might love New York too.
As the weeks go on I'll talk about everything. No big showy stuff, no over-the-top happenings that you could base song lyrics on. It'll just be me, the person who can't stand being in one place for too long, who is already looking to find other job opportunities before the first paycheck. And this time, there'll be pictures. I will also include some special sections so that you can discover the city at the same time I do. Architecture, food, neighborhoods, museums, foreign language classes, and, maybe even other people!
Take Care and I'll talk to you next week.
For now, here are some pictures of how I look now (note the long hair) and one from Africa.